Topic: Liberating Love

Deeply Worthy, Deeply Fallible

Every day the news of the world can break our hearts. Though our Unitarian and Universalist forebears were optimistic about humans’ capacity for working together to enact goodness in the world, some days we wonder if the Calvinists had a point when they said humanity was “utterly depraved.” We have such high ideals yet we … Continue reading Deeply Worthy, Deeply Fallible

Seeds for the New Year

What seeds are you planting for the new year? How are you weaving your magic into your relationships with others? How can you center beauty and goodness and love, as UUFD looks ahead to new professional ministry? In this pre-recorded service, we have the opportunity to hear a Time for all Ages and Sermon, prepared … Continue reading Seeds for the New Year

Finding Liberating Love in Repentance and Repair

“Article II,” the new values statement for Unitarian Universalism, is up for final approval at the 2024 General Assembly. Liberating Love is the central value in this statement, around which six other values — pluralism, interdependence, equity, generosity, justice, evolution — revolve. Last fall many at UUFD explored a new model for advancing liberating love … Continue reading Finding Liberating Love in Repentance and Repair